Progress Reports from Sunday School

I received the following Progress Reports from the girls' Sunday School teacher today. They made me smile. I especially liked the part about A having fun while she is also learning – that's our A!

For A:

Participates in class discussions


Participates in class activities


Exhibits a positive attitude



Cooperates with teacher


Interacts well with peers


Exhibits an interest in the curriculum


Demonstrates knowledge in the curriculum




Teacher’s Comments

A is a sweet student
who stands out for her ability to have fun while also learning.  A is an
active participant in music and is often the first student to begin singing a
new song with me.  A is not afraid to try new things and engages in all
activities whole heartedly.  A has excellent recall for stories I have told
the class and is able to make connections between concepts we have learned.

For M:

Participates in class discussions


Participates in class activities


Exhibits a positive attitude



Cooperates with teacher


Interacts well with peers


Exhibits an interest in the curriculum


Demonstrates knowledge in the curriculum




Teacher’s Comments

When I ask the students to
try to figure out what I am saying in Hebrew, M is often the first one with
her hand up.  She is not afraid to express her ideas or get the answer wrong. 
She plays well with all of her classmates and works hard during learning
activities.  M enjoys sharing information during circle time and loves to
relate our conversations to her family.


1 comment

a says:

You must be so very proud of M and A. They are wonderful.
Much love,
Aunt Ann

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