Puppet Show

I am continuing to have problems posting the girls' resolution pictures. I have one scanned successfully as a JPG but the other didn't come out. So… I will have to wait until the next time I can get to the color scanner. It won't be til next week, as I am working from home tomorrow, and then leaving for New York for girls' weekend with Sarah, Tracy and Mary! I am very excited. Hopefully I will also get to see Tuvana, Amy C., and Yishane. So I won't be posting here 'til Sunday night.

When I got home tonight, A wanted to put on a "puppet show" using some cardboard characters from a puzzle that we have. It was a very long show, but the only plot element I could deduce was that one character was excited for summer because that's when his birthday is. There were lots of props, which consisted of beautiful drawings that the girls had made – a rainbow, clouds, rain, sun, a butterfly. M was the "light person", and she helped with dimming and raising the lights, and simulating lightning when necessary. A did all the narration, acting, and MC'ing. It was very cute.

Tomorrow is a half day at school. 

I am so proud of the girls.

1 comment

a says:

I enjoyed reading about the puppet show. You have such exceptional daughters. I know you enjoy them.
Aunt Ann

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