More Books and New Outfits

I have the cutest pictures to share on the blog. They are drawings the girls did about their New Year's resolutions. I scanned them at work, but they came out as PDFs and I need them to be JPGs. I will try to re-scan them tomorrow. They are the most adorable things I've ever seen, next to M & A, of course.

Tonight we read two books for the M & A 2010 Reading Challenge: Alice the Fairy by David Shannon and Gigi and Lulu's Gigantic Fight by Pamela Duncan Edwards. Both got thumbs up. We have yet to veto any books, which doesn't help our shelf overcrowding problem.

Imogene got the girls some VERY cute outfits today. A wanted to wear one tomorrow until she remembered that she has to wear sneakers tomorrow for P.E., and then she changed her mind about what to wear. 

A said today that the boy who says weird things to her told her today that she looks like a doll. Then she said that she was supposed to be chair stacker today, but didn't make it to the room in time to do it, and that he laughed at her. Boys.

1 comment

a says:

I love reading about what the girls do and say. Thanks for giving me so much pleasure. (Can’t write much these days because of my carpel tunnel problem)
Aunt Ann

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