The Future Little Debbies

Little Debbie is running a contest
to celebrate its 50th anniversary. The contest is – send in a picture
of a little girl aged 4-8 who looks like the iconic Little Debbie:


Deadline is tomorrow. Winner gets $5K for college, and 10 runners up
win a trip to Atlanta (where the judging will be held). SO – we decided
M looks a little bit like Little Debbie, and we took pictures of her
tonight. Of course, A wanted in on the action too, so we submitted an
entry for A and an entry for M. Here are the pictures we submitted:

Debbie1 Debbie2

Now the girls are running around saying "I want to win a trip to Georgia! I want to win money for college!" We keep telling them they aren't going to win.

A said, "Well, at least we know that Ian won't win!" (Ian is the boy who gives her such a hard time.)

1 comment

a says:

Both M and A are so cute in the photos. They deserve to win because they are so adorable. I think they are cuter than Little Debbie.
Lots of love,
Aunt Ann

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