
This morning I volunteered in the girls' classroom for their journaling activity. That means the class writes sentences for their journals, and draws a picture on the top of the page. Today, they were to write a sentence using a number word and a rhyme – like "I see five in a hive." As the parent volunteer, I go around to the kids and help them spell out the words they don't know. M's sentences: "I see three in a tree." Then she also did, "I see nine in a vine." A and I came up with her sentence: "I see four walking out the door."

It's so cute to see the girls in their element at school.

There is a boy with school who always says the most ridiculous things to them. I have seen him with them, and I think he really likes them. He even made eyes at me when I got there today. And I believe he's a sweet boy. THe girls' teacher said that his parents told her that he really likes M&A. But here are the types of things he says to them:

  • To both: M is cuter than A.
  • To A: Why are you being a baby?
  • To A: Your name should be Ballerina Face.
  • To both: If you guys try to marry each other, you will go to jail.
  • To A: I don't like the picture you drew.

And on and on.

Tomorrow I am leaving for a work trip to California, returning Friday. I am so sad to leave the girls. Imogene is staying with them because Daddy is away too. Bad timing. 🙁

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