Vacation Week

Our busy week continues! Yesterday was dentist appointment day for the girls. M has a little cavity that needs to be filled, but otherwise their teeth look great. They did very well at the appointment. Here are some photos:

 Drdana2 Drdana

Then in the afternoon, we went swimming – FINALLY – at the Wilson Pool. We met up with Catherine and Julia there, and the girls were in the water for almost 2 hours. Then Daddy and I went to a movie and Abby came to babysit. She said the girls were great – they painted nails and danced and had a good time.

Today Daddy took the girls to the Baltimore Aquarium. By all accounts they had a great time. There are some pictures on the camera which I will upload at some point soon. They saw a dolphin show and the girls were enjoying imitating their screams when they got home. We also saw a movie again tonight, and Abby babysat again. She texted me during the movie to say that they couldn't find Baby and Blankie, but I didn't see the text. Apparently, M was satisfied with Cousin Baby, though when we got home, we put Baby in M's arms and draped her in Blankie, so she will have them when she wakes up.

Tomorrow I am driving up to Philly with the girls to see my friend Mary and her kids.
Looking forward to it.

Here is a photo from the greenhouse/train exhibit at Brookside Gardens with Tuvana and Aliya:


1 comment

a says:

It sounds like all of you are having a great vacation time doing all sorts of fun things. The photos are wonderful, and I thank you for them. M and A look beautiful, as usual, and they seem to be growing up too quickly. I wish all of you a very wonderful, happy New Year.
Lots of love,
Aunt Ann

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