Christmas Eve

Tonight is Christmas Eve. We are on the couch watching a movie (I accidentally rented "Babe: Pig in the City" instead of "Babe". Not a good movie for little kids – M is now crying.)

The girls spent most of today with Buppie so that I could do some work and run some errands. They went to Pat's house to see her Christmas tree, and had lunch, and piano lessons, and did some painting and drawing. All three were in good spirits when I went to pick them up.

The girls have been asking lots of questions about Christmas, the birth of Jesus, believing in one vs two gods, and how Santa Claus knows where the Jewish people live and that he should skip their houses. Some of these questions are difficult to answer.

Yesterday on the way home from gymnastics camp, M said, "When am I going to be an aunt?" I said, "When A has a baby!" A said that she doesn't want to have a baby, and M said that she doesn't want to get married.

Happy holidays to all the readers of the P&B blog!! (And a special shout-out to Aunt Ann for all the kind and sweet comments!)

1 comment

a says:

Dear family, thank you for your “special shout out” and for thinking of me. Yours is a very wonderful family — one I’m very proud to be related to. M and A are the cutest and greatest kids, and they are lucky to have such wonderful parents. I’m so proud of all of you. Happy New Year.
Lots of love,
Aunt Ann

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