Snow Day!

We got 22 inches of snow today! Lots and lots of fluffy white stuff everywhere. We were in most of the day but this afternoon we went out and did some sledding with Mike, Lucy and Rosie. Otherwise, lots of videos and books and crafts and some cooking.

I have pics, but I haven't uploaded them, and I am watching "I Love You Man", which is very funny. So I don't want to go upstairs and interrupt the DVD. So, tomorrow I will upload them and get them up here.

We gave this to the girls for Hanukah:

They are silicone cake pans that make a giant cupcake instead of a regular sized cake. So tonight we made the cupcake cake. It didn't turn out like in the photos, but it is delicious. I have photos – tomorrow.

We are supposed to go to The Nutcracker tomorrow – we will see if we can dig our car out!

1 comment

a says:

It sounds like a cozy family day. You did and do have a full taste of winter with all the snow and cold. Sometimes it’s fun to make a snowman and toss snowballs. The girls certainly did get some very wonderful Chanukah gifts. I send all of you my very best wishes.
Aunt Ann

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