Hanukah Night 4

I am too tired to write much tonight – I went to bed way too late last night. So I will just report that the girls had a nice full day. They did lots of homework tonight, they have a field trip to see a play on Wednesday, they are making gingerbread houses on Thursday, and they got good presents tonight. M got some 3-D peel-and-stick animals and shapes to make her beadwork on, and A got two paris of footed pajamas that are enormous on her. They also got a marble maze game where you can make the marbles go through different paths, etc. They seemed very pleased with the haul.

Another week!

1 comment

a says:

Your lucky girls are getting Chanukah gifts everyday for the full 8-day holiday. I’m sure they enjoy every minute of it. It brings back memories of Chanukah when my children were young. Such fun for all of them.
Aunt Ann

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