Darrah and Jason Weekend

We had a lovely time with Darrah and Jason this weekend. They were visiting from Brooklyn for a friend's baby shower, and we had some nice stretches of time with them over the last two days. Jason even babysat for a few hours yesterday afernoon, which I greatly appreciated because it allowed me to finish my holiday shopping! They headed back to NY today when the girls left for Sunday school.

Other news from the weekend:

Girls had a Hanukah party at Sunday school today where they made edible dreidels.

Lots of good presents so far: from Darrah and Jason -2 special books, a peel-and-stick kit for M and a ballet sticker book for A; from Deb/Jonathan/Olivia/Ben – Shrinky Dinks and a peel-and-stick jewelry box; from Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron – two Chanukah books and a Charlie and Lola DVD; from Grandma Sandy – a Cinderella  DVD (the original, in black and white, with Julie Andrews); and from us, 3 dresses, 2 puzzles, 2 Beezus books, and candy dominoes. Lots more to come.

Late. Tired. I went to the ballet with Grandma Sandy tonight. It was beatiful but a bit long.


a says:

M and A cetainly received lots of wonderful Chanukah gifts. Lucky girls. They are great girls and deserve lots of good things. All I can send is my best love to all of you and wishes for a very happy Chanukah.
Love, hugs, and kisses,
Aunt Ann

Aunt Darrah says:

We had a great time with all of you this weekend! Looking forward to seeing you (and hopefully the girls too!) in January. Love, Aunt Darrah and Uncle Jason

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