I’m 40

I turned 40 today. It was a pretty great day, I have to say. Despite arriving from NY at 3 AM this morning (terrible traffic on the NJ Turnpike), it was a really fun day. First, we went to brunch at Catherine's house, where Mary and I celebrated our mutual bday and Andrea K's bday (which was on Friday). It was fun to kick off the day with a bunch of friends. Then some grocery shopping with Dan and the girls. And then we had a great treat – Amy, Ashby and kids are in town, so we enjoyed a beautiful afternoon at the playground. Then we came back home, hung out here for a bit, and then went to Buppie's for a bit. Amy and Ashby stayed to watch a wonderful DVD that Buppie made me of my first 40 years – lots of photos and memories – which was so much fun. Then they left and we had a delicious dinner and cake with Buppie.

I got lots of beautiful cards and hugs and kisses from the girls. I am so very spoiled and lucky today to be surrounded by such a wonderful family and group of friends. 

Here are some pictures that Buppie took tonight. Yes, the girls are wearing the Spanish dresses we got this summer.








a says:

Heartfelt happy birthday wishes to mommy. Forty is a special birthday, the beginning of wonderful things to come. Thanks for the lovely photos of all of you. Mommy, I am one of the lucky recipients of the DVD Grandma Sandy made of your first 40 years. It’s very beautiful and brings back wonderful memories. I send you, all of you, lots of love.
Love and kisses,
Aunt Ann

Amy K. says:

So glad to see that Alexa recovered from her funk – at least by the time cake arrived!! Hope the rest of the year is full of sweetness and fun, too!
Warmest wishes and love,

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