Thanksgiving at Lafayette

It has been a very long day, especially for Daddy and M. M didn't get much better last night. She slept for a few hours and then tossed and turned the rest of the night, in pain. Finally, at around 3:30, Daddy woke me up and said he was taking M to the hospital. We didn't know what the problem was, just that she was very uncomfortable. They went to Georgetown, and were there for the next 5 hours. M had a sonogram that didn't show anything enlarged, like her appendix. But she also had a urine culture, which showed a very bad urinary tract infection. Poor girl – that explains the stomach pain. She didn't have any of the classic symptoms of a UTI, which is why I didn't think that that's what she had. But she did. So she got meds and came home at about 10. At 11, we went to school so that she could participate in the kindergarden Thanksgiving performance, which consisted of two songs. She wasn't really hungry so she didn't eat any of the feast. Instead, I took her home and she took a three hour nap this afternoon, which she really, really needed. She is doing better tonight but definitely not 100%. Hopefully the antibiotics will work quickly!

A had a better day than M. She did wake up screaming from a nightmare ("about a giant worm on my face") at 6 AM, but she went back to sleep in my bed for a little while. She gave M a big hug when she saw her at the Thanksgiving party, and they stood together to sing the songs. I will post photos and maybe some video when I have a little more energy.

We are exhausted. Poor Daddy really bore the brunt of it last night – he is going to go to bed soon. Oh, and it was my second day (afternoon) of work.

1 comment

a says:

I’m so sorry about M’s problem. I hope by now she feels better. Poor thing. Mommy and Daddy I hope you feel better too since you both must be exhausted. Get some rest, feel well — all of you — and enjoy tomorrow’s Thanksgiving.
Aunt Ann

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