Happy Birthday Grampy!

Today is Grampy's birthday! We had a nice lunch at his house with Nana and Emily. The girls made him lovely cards and we got him some cuff links, which he liked a lot. Daddy had to work, but he got out in the afternoon and is now with the girls trying out various cupcake bakeries for an upcoming birthday party we are having.

Some funny things. I am starting a new job at Discovery on Monday. A saw an article about Oprah, and asked why she looked funny in it. I said that she looked like she was crying, perhaps because she has just announced that she is ending her talk show. I told A that Oprah was going to be working for Discovery, just like Mommy! She said, will you be able to talk to her every day? I said that I didn't think so, that Oprah wouldn't be in my group. Then A said, but you WILL get to talk to Christina every day, and I said yes, I would. (Christina used to work with me at TMG and is starting at Discovery two weeks after I am.)

Here are some funny word mixups:

I told M &A that I thought one of their friends is very independent, and M said, "Like in Madeline! In the hospital" (appendix/independent).

Somehow we saw someone in a bikini (I think someone on TV) and M said, "Look, a zucchini!"

We've been watching a lot of "Cake Boss" on TV. A usually says, "I think the Cake Boss is the best cooker on the show." I just think it's so cute she calls him the "cooker".

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