Thanksgiving Food Survey

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Thanksgiving survey last night! In case you were wondering, the winner of most popular Thanksgiving food was… pie!

Here are the favorites:

Pie: Maddie, Alexa, Mommy, Benjamin, Olivia, Grandma Sandy, Uncle Jonathan (Seattle), Emily.

Stuffing: Aunt Darrah, Uncle Jason, Nana, Imogene, Rachel, Daddy

Turkey: Grampy, Sarah

Mashed Potatoes: Aunt Deb

Cranberry Sauce: no takers

People who weren't home when we called: Grandma Dina/Grandpa Ron, Aunt Tequila, Uncle Jonathan, Aunt Liz

People we considered calling but didn't: Grandma Gussie, who isn't feeling very well right now.

Today after school, I am taking the girls to Politics & Prose, because Julie Andrews is going to be there. Yes, Julie Andrews of Maria/Mary Poppins fame. No photos allowed. They don't know yet – it is going to be a surprise!!

1 comment

a says:

Your Thanksgiving food survey was very interesting. Sorry to read that Grandma Gussie is not feeling well. Seeing Julie Andrews is such a special treat! I wish I could see her too. Enjoy!
Aunt Ann

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