Pictures from the Playground

Another start of another busy week. I was home today – yay! – and did some work on my den. In other exciting (?) news, the book version of the P&B Blog arrived today. I got 2H 2007 and 2008 published in a book and it looks great! It's 400 pages – very very long.

Beautiful day! Girls went to the playground after school for a while. Here are some gorgeous pictures that Buppie Grandma S. took of the girls at Orange Blue/Yellow playground yesterday. I will post the second half of them tomorrow. Thanks, Buppie!

IMG_1126_2 IMG_1127 IMG_1129 IMG_1131 IMG_1133 IMG_1134 IMG_1136_2 IMG_1142


1 comment

a says:

Thank you for the great photos. M and A are so darling and they look so happy. (Thanks Grandma S.) You will enjoy the books of the girls (2007 and 2008) forever, and then the girls will love having them. What a special gift!!!
Aunt Ann

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