Sunday Night Wrapup

What a weekend!

When did I post last? I think it was Thursday. Highlights of the last three days: lunch at Grampy and Nana's yesterday, lunch at Buppie's today (plus a visit to the playground), dinner at Sydney's last night (thanks to her parents for making us a yummy meal!), ballet, Sunday School, a gorgeous day today, pottery place yesterday (we finally made the cupcake cookie jar!), and lots of time at home. I got a second hula hoop and the girls have been doing hula hoop competitions and also hooping with 2 hoops at the same time. Daddy had to work almost all weekend, but he made yummy waffles this morning.

We got report cards and school pictures on Friday. Here is what the report cards said in the comments fields:

M has had a great start to the school year. She seems to be comfortable in our classroom setting and has a great handle on all of our classroom routines. She has really shown lots of comfort in sharing and has made new friends and relationships. She participates well in classroom discussions and whole group activities. She works well on independent tasks and seems to be grasping the skills and information that we are learning. Keep up all of the great work!

A has had a great start to the school year. She has gotten adjusted to new routines and she has seemingly gotten comfortable with her new classmates and friends. She has done well with class participation and does very well working on skills we are learning and doing independent activities and tasks. She seems to be very motivated with her writing and illustration activities and has shown great work in this area. I would like to see her trust herself in believe in what she knows! Keep up with all of your great work!

1 comment

a says:

All of you certainly had a busy but fun-filled weekend. How very proud mommy and daddy must be to have read M and A’s report cards. No one could ask for anything better. Good luck girls, and keep up the great work.
Aunt Ann

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