Update on Star of the Week

Because yesterday was a holiday, M had to bring two things to school today for Star of the Week: 1) something that someone gave her, and 2) her favorite toy. She brought her tooth fairy pillow for #1, and for #2, she brought… Baby and Blankie! She was so excited this morning to bring it all to school. It was very, very cute. Tomorrow is the last day – she is supposed to bring something that she made. She is bringing the binder I put together of all of her homework so far this year.

Tonight the girls made an obstacle course in the living room. The best part? I told them they had to clean it up before bedtime, and A cleaned it ALL up without being asked. Here is a picture of M going through the obstacle course.


Daddy is finally back from China! He didn't get to see the girls tonight – he hasn't seen them since Sunday night. They will be very hapy when they wake up tomorrow.

Rain, rain all day today and tomorrow.

1 comment

a says:

Thanks for the cute photo. It’s good to know that daddy is home now. The girls will be thrilled to see him again. Still waiting for photos of the class trip. Love to all of you.
Aunt Ann

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