Pics from Sarah’s Bat Mitzvah

So, here's what happened with Star of the Week. A's teacher was out on Monday, so she wasn't Star of the Week until yesterday. And there is no school on Friday, and tomorrow is a short day with a Halloween parade. A is being shortchanged!! But it doesn't seem to bother her. Yesterday, she showed her family photos and the class read her book, Little Ballerina Dancing Book. Today, she was to bring in a favorite gift given to her, and she brought her Nutcracker. Tomorrow she will bring in her favorite toy and something that she made. She was going to bring in Piggy and Bunny (and Snuffy and Cousin Bunny), but then decided that because she is only supposed to bring in one toy, she should instead bring her fluffy bear. I am not sure which bear she is talking about, but will figure it out in the morning.

Here are some pictures from Sarah's bat mitzvah, taken by Tequila. I haven't uploaded mine off the camera.










1 comment

a says:

It’s wonderful that A is such a good sport about being “short-changed” on being “Star of the Week”. She is so darling. I love the photos of the girls with Sarah, Rachel, and Buppie. The pictures of M and A with the giant pumpkin are so cute. Thanks for sharing all of it.
Aunt Ann

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