A is Star of the Week

Ballet book This week, A is Star of the Week at school. That means that every day, she shares something about herself – pictures, a toy, a book, something she made. Today, she brought in some family photos, as well as a questionnaire that she filled out. The answers will be posted on a poster in her classroom all week.

I thought I would share her answers here on the blog.

Favorite Color: violet and fuschia

Favorite Book: Little Ballerina Dancing Book

I have: 0 Brothers; 1 Sister; 1 Pet

My Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: cookie dough

I'm Happiest When: I'm with my family

My Proudest Accomplishments: all the songs I can play on the piano

Top 10 Favorites:

Sport: swimming

Hobby: playing the piano

Toy: Piggy, Bunny, Snuffy and Cousin Bunny

Holiday: Halloween

TV Show: Max and Ruby

Movie: The Sound of Music

Food: watermelon

Pet: dog

School subject: recess and reading

Pizza topping: cheese

I am excited to hear how today went and what she shared with the class.

1 comment

a says:

What a wonderful idea — a book filled with A’s favorites. It was so cute to read. A is always a star in my book and so is M. You have two exceptional daughters, so intelligent, so sweet and thoughtful, and so beautiful. What more can a parent hope for?
Aunt Ann

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