Photo Gallery

This morning, M and I discussed whether she could bring Baby to school. We decided that it was not a good idea, since she could get lost very easily. However, M didn't realize that she was carrying Baby until we got to the car. So, then we decided that rather than going back into the house, we'd just bring Baby to school in M's backpack, as we were running late. THEN we decided that Baby would be safer at the office with me than in M's backpack at school. So Baby is here with me at my desk. I said that I would take some pics of her at my office so that M could see what Baby's day was like.

In order to accommodate the Baby photos on my phone (and in anticipation of getting a new phone, which seems even more necessary than usual because I dropped mine on the ground yesterday and it split apart), I deleted a bunch of photos from the device today. Most have been posted already, but I thought I'd post them again here. Tomorrow, I will post the photos of Baby at work.

A playing the cello at the NSO "Instrument Petting Zoo":


M wearing her Spanish dress, barefoot, sitting behind the wheel of a brand new 2010 Chevy Camaro. (Dont' ask.):


M&A outside the Louvre:


M hiding behind my bed:


A hiding behind my bed:


M&A at dress-up day at camp this summer. They were NOT princesses, they were ballerinas:


Before dress-up day at camp:


M at the Instrument Petting Zoo:


A at the Instrument Petting Zoo:


Me and Olivia at Book Expo America 2009


M showing off her teeth, or lack thereof:


M&A drawing with new markers, etc.:


More drawing:


A drawing:


1 comment

a says:

Thank you for the wonderful photos. M looks adorable with or without her teeth. A is always adorable too. They look so very beautiful in their ballerina dresses. It’s so cute that M still loves “Baby”.
Aunt Ann

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