Race Day

I ran the Army Ten Miler here in DC this morning, and Daddy and M&A came to cheer me on. They were waiting when I got to mile 6.5, which was the perfect place for them to be. They were definitely a sight for expectant eyes. Daddy took some photos, but I am too tired to go upstairs and upload them to the computer, so it will have to wait 'til another night. I am so happy that they came out. It was a beautiful day, and the race was pretty good, except for the last mile, which sucked. Grampy also ran the race, but somehow they all missed each other and M&A didn't get to cheer him on. 🙁

Other highlights of the weekend:

Yesterday we spent the afternoon at Sarah's house. The kids all played so nicely together, and Sarah and I got some stuff done that we needed to do. She even sent me off to get a manicure, and then I picked up her babystitter. We went to ballet in the morning and then grocery shopping – a fun girls' day (Daddy had to work).

M stayed home on Friday again, but she felt well enough to walk to school at the end of the day and pick something from the Treasure Chest (which all kids get to do who have not been on the "red circle" during the week for misbehaving).

We went to an Orange Base potluck dinner Saturday night, which was fun. Mrs. Haigler was there.

Looking forward to a (hopefully) normal week this week, with no fever or absences!

1 comment

a says:

Congratulations, mommy, on the race. I’m proud of you. It was good to read that both girls feel well now. Girls’ days are always fun, especially when sharing with friends. Love all of you.
Aunt Ann

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