Just Wondering

Is it really necessary for kindergarteners to have 30 minutes of homework at night? I mean, it's not like we don't have anything else to do.


Buppie says:

Who’s the “we”? The parent or the child?

The collective “we”. We have books to read, and dinner to eat, orange pumpkin candy to savor, and snuggling to do. Homework is cutting into that time! Especially when the kids have been on different homework schedules this week.

Lisa says:

I think homework when they’re that young is silly. Maybe one night a week to get them in the habit, but every night seems ridiculous. I don’t remember having to do work at home (besides studying for things like spelling tests) until at least 3rd grade.

a says:

Things are different than when we (or my children) were in kindergarten. However, there is so much more to learn these days.
I’m not sure what is best for five-year-olds today. M and A are so bright and learn quickly.
Aunt Ann

Tracy says:


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