Mad Men

A colleague at work gave me two awesome sets of art supplies (markers, crayons, pencils, watercolors, oil pastels, etc.). The girls started playing with them as soon as I got home from work. Here is a picture of them using the new loot:


A is wearing the new cheerleader Halloween costume that came in the mail yesterday.

A took some of the chalk from the kit and went outside to the sidewalk to draw two drawings: one of a baby's face with an X through it, to signify "No Babies Who Spill Things Are Allowed In This House" and one of a wolf with an X through it, to signify "No Wolves Allowed In The House".

Daddy is in NY for a few days.

The girls are sleeping in the same bed.

And I am watching "Mad Men". Dan is at the Waldorf Astoria, where Don Draper is headed right now. Nice symmetry.

That's the news from here.

1 comment

a says:

The girls are very creative. They look so cute in the photo. I hope Mommy is able to rest a little, especially since Daddy is away for a few days and not able to help with the girls. Thanks for the picture.
Aunt Ann

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