Book Titles

N has been running contests for a couple of weeks. He posts riddles on his door, which we have to guess the answers to, as well as some open ended questions to test our creativity. 

There is a complicated scoring and prizing scheme that accompanies the contests.

This week the open-ended question was: Provide a title for a fantasy or graphic novel or biography.

Some of the submissions:

Blimpy Kid: Putting Your Husky Child On A Diet (Dad)

The Wizard of Schnozz: The Nosy Magician (Dad)

The Day The Sun And Moon Switched Places (Me)

You Say Cannabis, I Say Cannibal: I'm So Hungry I Could Eat Your Arm (Dad)

Small Nate (Maddie)

See You Later: The Life And Times of Bob Carpenter

Babe Ruth Bader Ginsburg: The Unknown Love Affair Of A Baseball Great And A Supreme Court Justice (Dad)

Bleeding Green (about aliens) (Alexa)

Captain Bra (Captain Underpants' live interest where together they make a full set of clothes which saves the universe) (Alexa)

Life In The Slow Lane: Sniffing, Scavenging and Snarfing On The Road Of Life" by Lucky Weiswasser (Me)

IMO JFK > LBJ: Biographies By Text For Those Who Decide TL; DR. LOL! (Dad)

Despite all of those great titles by Dad, I somehow won and get to choose next week's challenge. It is: come up with a name for a TV show about cats who are naughty.

Some other pics:

M's new Houston Trashtros shirt:


N making slime at the Hanukah event at TSRS this am. He gave it a 6/10, which I thought was generous:


N and I volunteered yesterday to unload cars full of bags from our annual neighborhood food drive:


Lots and lots of food.


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