M & A’s Memories From Europe

So here is the report from last night. The Tooth Fairy left $5 for M, and $1 for A. The girls seemed happy with their rewards when they woke up. At that time, A said to M, "Your mouth looks like a maze!"

Over the weekend, Daddy made a list with the girls of all of their memories from the trip to Paris and Spain. Here's what they remembered (with a little prompting):


·          Going to the top of the Eiffel Tower. (A)  “I didn’t think it was that much fun.  I liked going up in the elevators but the rest of it was kind of boring.  I didn’t think it was scary for me at all.” (M)
·         “The Ferris Wheel.” (in Tuilleries) (M) “You were scared (pointing to Daddy).  Me and Alexa were the only ones that weren’t scared.”
·         “I liked the amusement park.  I really liked the bumpy slide and the carousel.” (A)
·         “Bumping my head on the log flume.  Don’t write that down.  That was one of my baddest parts.” (M)
·         “Being on the boat down the Seine.” (Bateau Mouche) (A)  “I didn’t like that as much, because it was too hot.” (M)
·         “One of my best things was seeing the Arc de Triomphe and seeing Notre Dame.” (M)  “I like our Cathedral much more better than Notre Dame, because it’s much more cleaner and newer.” (A)  “I like both, but we never got to go in Notre Dame.” (M)
·         “Picking out postcards.” (M)
·         “I liked the apartment; it was nice and big and comfy.  Alexa and I stayed up realllllyyyy late.  And in Spain, of course, we stayed up sooooo late.  But we’re only talking about Paris now.” (M)
·         “I loved the Madeleine church.” (M)  “You mean the subway stop Madeleine too?”  “You remember the subway stop called Alesia, too?” (A)
·         “Orangina.” (A)  Pineapple juice. (M)
·         “Daddy’s birthday cake – strawberry and chocolate.” (M)
·         “Taking lots of pictures of the stained glass windows.” (Sainte Chapelle) (M)
·         “I liked the art museum – the one with the dancing ladies.” (Degas statues and paintings at Musee d’Orsee.) (A)
·         “I liked the museum where we saw paintings – all of them that we went to, and certainly the one with the funny mirror.” (the Picasso museum) (M)  “And remember when the painting had her hand with all of the fingers in one direction and then her thumb in another direction.” (Picasso painting) (A)
·         “Eating ice cream at that really yummy ice cream store.  Close to the center of Paris.” (on Ile St. Louis) (A)
·         “The thing that looked like the Washington Monument.” (the Obelisk) (M)
·         “The playground where we met Amy.” (at Places des Vosges) (A)
·         “The huge, huge, playground.”  (M)  “Oh yeah – that was enormous.” (A)  And that Merry-go-round where only people got that stick to get the little rings.” (M)  “And they sailed sailboats at that little pond.” (A) (All at the Luxembourg Gardens.)
·         “We took a sleeping train.  It was fun.” (A)
·         “I like meeting Tia and Amaia.” (A)  “Me too.” (M)
·         “We said goodbye to her, and the next day, she came to the station again just to see us and show us the wedding pictures.” (M)
·         “I liked seeing all the statues in Spain, but I don’t like that soldier one that scared me.” (A)
·         “I liked the beach in Spain and playing in the ocean.” (A)  “My favorite thing was jumping in the waves.” (M)
·         “And eating the bubblegum ice cream.” (M&A)
·         “The tour of the King and Queen’s house in Madrid.” (M&A)
·         “Trying on our Spanish dresses.” (M)  “In the store that had a lot of things that kids wear.” (A)
·         “The hill that said CULLERA on it in big white letters.” (M)
·         Churros.  (M&A)

1 comment

a says:

It was fun to read all the things M and A remembered and enjoyed in Europe. They are such lucky girls to have experienced all that. It’s good for them to have good memories. They are very fortunate young ladies.
Aunt Ann

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