Breakneck Weekend

We had a very busy weekend with lots of activities for M&A.

Ballet Saturday morning -w hich ran 15 minutes over and was supposedly "not too hard" this week.

Kennedy Center Multicultural Festival after ballet – which was just OK.

Georgetown NICU Reunion after Kennedy Center – see photos!

Dinner party at Lolly's – I think this was the first time the girls swam in a pool and one of us didn't get in. We had a lot of fun chatting with other adults and girls had fun too.

Today… first day of religious school, which is basically like a big playdate with their TSNS friends. Snack, playground, music with Sally, a little Jewish thrown in… what's not to like? (And we like it because it's 2 hours and 15 minutes on a Sunday! Yippeee!)

Then lunch and projects at home.

Then, open house at Buppie's friend's Pat's house, where girls ate lots of food, including cupcakes, and ran around a lot.

Then, walk with Allie to Lafayette to check out the new exterior painting and show off monkey bar prowess.

I. Am. Exhausted.

Homework this weekend had to do with detecting patterns, so we've been doing some of that. Mostly visual but tonight we read A is for Annabelle, which has some good rhyming.

Here are pics from the NICU reunion, which Daddy took. Note the ballerina balloon shapes! Impressive!!

Nicu1 Nicu2 Nicu3 Nicu4 Nicu5

1 comment

a says:

Love the photos. Thanks for sharing them. M and A are so darling. You really had a very busy weekend. I’m sure you must be exhausted, but the girls had lots of fun.
Aunt Ann

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