Sleepover, or Not?

I was so tired last night that I fell asleep without posting. I tried, but I fell asleep. So now it's Saturday at lunchtime. We are back from ballet. The girls said it was a good class and that they did a lot of stretching. Daddy did some excellent buns in their hair before class – very impressive.

Some things to post from the last few days:

On Thursday night, M said to me: "I love you so much. I am never going to stop thinking about you. Except when I am at school, and maybe have something else that I need to concentrate on. " When I laughed, she said, "Are you going to put that on the blog?"

Today, in the car on the way to ballet, M said, "We are so lucky that we don't live in a house next to the Beltway." Glad to see that her parents' elitist sentiments are rubbing off on her.

The girls and I all got haircuts last night. We took a good 2 inches off of A's hair and it looks much cleaner and less tangly.

M has another loose tooth! When we were at the salon yesterday, I noticed that one of M's bottom teeth was crooked, and that she had a gap there all of a sudden. Upon further inspection, I discovered that it is a loose tooth! I predict that it will be out soon.

M & A have been invited to a sleepover tonight at their friend Lolly's house. This will be the first time they have ever slept away from us, if it actually ends tomorrow morning. We are expecting (hoping for?) the 10:30 phone call from Lolly's parents.

UPDATE 10:57 PM:

Well, the girls had a great time at Lolly's. We dropped them off at 5:45. They stayed there and swam in their pool, had pizza, and hung out. Daddy and I went out to dinner. On the way home, we got The Call from Lolly's dad (it was 10 PM instead of the 10:30 I predicted above). Apparently, they couldn't fall asleep, and then they decided they wanted to come home. So, we picked them up, and now they are home! They weren't crying or anything – just couldn't get comfortable enough there for whatever reason. But we are very thankful to Lolly's parents for letting them come over!


a says:

Sleepovers are such fun for girls, but it takes a while for them to adjust to sleeping away from home. It was a good beginning for M and A. Little by little they will learn what fun it is to sleep away from home, to be up half the night talking and joking, and to finally actually sleep. Good luck next time.
Aunt Ann

Lisa says:

So apparently when looking for hair tips, Dan should be our go-to – good to know. You’ll have to show me how he successfully created buns. 🙂

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