Report from Back to School Night

Last night was Back to School Night. We really enjoyed getting to know the school a little better and hearing more about how the girls spend their day, what they will learn this year, what the classroom is like, etc.

Here are some funny things we learned from looking around the room:

  • As of last week, A's favorite color was black (!), while M's is holding steady at orange.
  • When asked what they wanted Daddy and me to see in the classroom, A said "Sasha the turtle", and M said "Everything they can!".
  • When asked what they were looking forward to in kindergarten, A said "learning to write and read a book by myself" and M said, "homework".
  • When asked what they did this summer, A said she went on a very fun bumpy slide (true, in Paris), and M said that she played in the waves in Spain with Daddy.
  • Both girls chose pizza as their favorite food, admittedly from a pre-set list. Damn you, conformist kindergarten!
  • When asked if they were nervous about kindergarten, M said no and A said yes. Awww.

We are looking forward to a great year.

Here is a photo from the birthday party at the firehouse from last Saturday. (That is an adult firefighter crouching on the ground next to M.)


1 comment

a says:

I always enjoy your colorful blogs. It’s interesting to read how different A and M are. It’s wonderful that each has her own thoughts, ideas, likes and dislikes. Both girls are very special, and you certainly are doing a great job of raising them.
Love you all,
Aunt Ann

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