Birthday Fever

This was the weekend of the birthday party. We were invited to 4, and attended 3. Yesterday's was a boy in the girls' class, and was at a fire station in Kensington. The girls were a bit overwhelmed by the "boyness" of it all, but M especially took it in stride and declared the party "so cool". She got to sit in a fire engine and watch a firefighter get dresseed in under 60 seconds. (A took a pass on the engine tour). This morning was a celebration of Ichi's 4th birthday at Glen Echo, and this afternoon Maya's 5th birthday at All Fired Up. Lots of cake.

We also went swimming today at the Bethesda pool and saw an old friend from TSNS, Ale, and the girls had dinner with Addie tonight at Potomac Pizza. So it was a very social weekend for the new kindergarteners.

Ballet started yesterday too. Apparently it was very easy, and all they did was introduce themselves and skip around the room. I predict that it will get more difficult.

New fall shoes today too.

Busy weekend!

1 comment

a says:

M and A are very popular with all those birthday party invitations.
They certainly had a busy weekend. I hope the girls will love their ballet class once they get “into” it. Dancing is so great for the girls, ballet and all other types of dances.
Aunt Ann

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