Halloween Season Begins

Day #4 at school. A told me this morning that she had not used the bathroom at school all week. This, of course, made me very unhappy. (She's quite particular about bathrooms). I told M that whenever she goes to the potty, she should ask A if she wants to go with her. I also told their teacher this AM that A hadn't been going to the bathroom at all, even if she goes with the class into the bathroom when they all go for a potty break. I am happy to report that tonight, A said that she went twice at school, including once with M. (Yay for keeping them in the same class!).

M said her favorite activity at school is "P.S." (aka P.E.).

We are trying to watch a movie – "A Bug's Life" – that I took out of the library last weekend. It's a little bit old for the girls – they don't quite get what is going on (though the graphics are very impressive). I don't think this is going to be one of their favorites… yet.

We got a Halloween costume catalog tonight. M is now obsessed with it.

Tonight we read two library books – 17 Things I Am Not Allowed To Do Anymore and The Foggy Foggy Forest.

1 comment

a says:

M and A have really adjusted well to kindergarten. They are so very bright, and learn so quickly. Mommy and daddy, you have raised two wonderful daughters. You must be so very proud of them.
Aunt Ann

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