School Day #2

Second day of kindergarten went well. The girls seem very happy. The only complaint I have heard so far is that the cafeteria where they eat lunch is kind of loud. I also learned today that if a kid does something bad, he or she has to be in the "yellow" group. If the kid does something else bad, then he or she goes into the "red" group, and the school sends a note home to his or her parents. If he or she doesn't do anything else bad, he or she goes back to the "green" group. So far only one child has gone into the yellow group. A says it's because "he wasn't respect to the teacher." The class made a list of Don'ts today, and A suggested "You have to be respect to the teacher," while M suggested, "Don't scratch the table or mess up the walls."

Apparently the girls are eating most of their lunch and their afternoon snack (take note, Uncle Jason!).

Here are two very cute pictures of the girls from Saturday night:

Cutie1 Cutie2

Here is a very cute drawing that A did. (The igloo was pre-printed). It's M & A in an igloo.


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