First Day of School!

Today was the girls' first day of school, and they did great! Dropoff this morning was a little hectic – lots of parents, lots of kids, a bit of nervousness on the part of both girls – and parents had to leave pretty abruptly. I didn't get a chance to give the girls a hug goodbye, which made me very sad (they were already in their circle in the classroom). So out of the three of us, I was the one who cried. The girls handled the transition pretty well. When Imogene called me at 3:15 after school, she said that they were excited and happy when she picked them up.

Buppie came with us to school this morning, which was very helpful and comforting. She walked A around the classroom and let A show her where her cubby, chair, etc. were, while I stayed with M. She also helped with breakfast while I got ready for work. Thank you Buppie!

Here's what I learned about today:

  • They got a tour of the school.
  • They were already invited to a birthday party of a boy in the class, this Saturday.
  • Neither ate all of her lunch, but they did a decent job.
  • Nap time is only 15 minutes.
  • They brought home some homework – a worksheet they didn't finish at school, and some magic play-doh that turned from white to orange. (They had to make something with the play-doh).
  • M's partner is named Christopher and A's is Emily.
  • They do not want to eat the school's hot lunch; they'd prefer to bring their own from home.
  • They ate in the cafeteria.

When I asked whether school was good or bad, M said "very good".

Tonight, their teacher from TSNS called to see how things went today. We called her back and left messages for her. Both girls said, "I love you." at the end of their messages.

I am so proud of how well they transitioned today!!

Here are some pictures from school (mine and Buppie's) and a few from the zoo.

School1 School2 School25 School3 School4 School5 School55 School65  School7 School75 School77 School79 School8 School9 Zoo1 Zoo2 Zoo3 Zoo4 Zoo5

1 comment

a says:

Thank you for the lovely photos. M and A look so happy, and they are so adorable. Their teacher is a lucky woman to have such great students. What would life be without wonderful Buppie. We grandmas know how good it feels to be with our grandchildren — especially grandchildren like M and A.
Aunt Ann

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