Last Day of Summer Vacation

Today was the girls' last official day of summer vacation. They start kindergarden at their new school tomorrow. To commemorate the last day, I wanted to do as many fun things today as possible. We got up early and motivated to make it to the zoo by about 10:15. It was already crowded and hot when we got there, but we got a good parking spot and saw a lot of interesting animals. We stayed away from the crowd pleasing elephants and zebras and instead visited the reptile and small mammal houses. Two hours there was the perfect amount, so we headed home after a short visit to the petting zoo.

Lunch at home, then a playdate with Abigail, whom the girls hadn't seen in a while. She came over and they caught up (kind of) and did a little dress up and whatever else it is that 5 year-olds do.

After Abigail left, we took Allie for a walk in Rock Creek Park. It wasn't the longest walk, but I am resolving to take Allie for more walks in the part on the weekend, and this was a good start.

Then we went to meet Sarah, John, Hannah and Andrew at the Beauvoir Pool. Great time for a swim – warm but not muggy, and serene. The girls had a lot of fun – and did EXCELLENT swimming – but I had to drag them out of the water at 6:20 to get them home. Even dinner had a summer theme tonight – hot dogs, cheese crunchies, and watermelon.

So, tomorrow they go off to school. I am so proud of them. but I am also sad that this new chapter of their lives is beginning. I know they will do great.

Stay tuned for pictures.

1 comment

a says:

Mommy, you’re wonderful, and the girls are so lucky to have a mother like you. You’re so loving and caring. It sounds like M and A had a wonderful last day of summer vacat– thanks to you. I’m sure they will love school, and their teacher is sure to love them.
Aunt Ann

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