Saturday Condensed


Girls slept late… waffles from Daddy… errands with Mommy… manicures!!!! (A chose red and M chose purple, both with sparkles)… home for lunch (mini pizza bagels – homemade)… Wilson pool again… home… bath… dinner (pizza bagel again for A!)… perler beads… 2 books from the library (excellent choices!)… BED.

That was the girls' day in a nutshell. Daddy left tonight for Turkey and will be back on Tuesday. I am thinking that if it doesnt rain tomorrow, like it did today, maybe we will go to the zoo to take advantage of the girls' last day of vacation before school starts on Monday!

1 comment

a says:

Good luck to Dan in Turkey. I know you and the girls will miss him.
They certainly had a busy day, but a happy one. Good luck to them on their first day of school on Monday. Mommy, I know you will miss them. I know how you will feel.
Lots of love,
Aunt Ann

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