Big Day

Today was a very big day here at home. First of all, we learned which teacher M&A will have for kindergarten starting next week. There are four potential kindergarten teachers, and apparently, we hit the jackpot and got the best one. (This is according to a friend whose son went to Pre-K at the same school last year). We are very relieved! All of the school information came in the mail, finally, along with a letter from the teacher with a list of supplies that we need to bring for the classroom. (Welcome to DC public schools!).

In case you are wondering, yes, the girls will be in the same class next year. We were going to separate them, but decided to wait one more year for a number of reasons. I know that people have a lot of opinions about this, and this was the decision Daddy and I felt most comfortable with. It was made after many days of discussion and conferring, and I am happy with it (at least for now!).

The other big news is that M & A will be in the same ballet class this fall at the Serious Ballet School for which they auditioned. At first, it was looking like they were going to be in separate classes, but M re-auditioned on Saturday and she was put in the same class as A. The only downside: the Saturday class we had signed A up for is now full, and we have to choose a Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon class, which makes things MUCH more complicated. Am crossing my fingers we can work out something with the school where they can both be in the Saturday class, but I am not optimistic. Perhaps I can leave early every Wednesday to pick them up from school and take them to ballet. Unlikely, though.

So, it has been a big day, with lots of email and snailmail box checking.

M is still feeling a little iffy, and has been peeing a lot, so we are watching for a potential UTI. She's actually gone a few hours now without peeing, which is a good sign. Both girls have been very tired at night, which is surprising, because they haven't been doing very much. It was VERY hot here today – above 90 – so that may also be tiring them out a bit. Imogene came back to work today and is a little better but not 100%.

So that's the big news from here. On Friday we will meet the teacher and visit the classroom, and then have a playground playdate. Tonight, M and I went through all the forms that came from the school. One of them had to do with volunteering to be a room parent. I told M I wasn't going to volunteer – I did it once at TSNS – and she said, "OK, but maybe you could be the room parent when I am 6?"

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