Paris Pictures

I have been absent on the blog this week. I have been falling asleep at night before I can post, in part due to jet lag, and in part due to a nasty stomach virus that M picked up on Monday. She was sick all Monday night, and still isn't 100%. So this week has been a bit off-kilter. Mostly, the girls have been home, taking it easy. A and I ran some errands on Tuesday so that she could get out of the house, and they went to the playground today until M threw up again. Poor girl. I just hope that this is all out of her system by the time she starts school in 11 days!

In the meantime, I have been hard at work uploading the pictures from our trip. I discovered upon our return home that we had taken 748 photos in two weeks. So it has taken me many days to upload them, edit them, turn them the right way, delete redundant photos, etc. I am proud to say that I have gotten the album down to a "manageable" 413 photos. If you want to see all of them, click here.

If you only want to see a few – here are some of my favorites from Paris. I will post more from Spain tomorrow.

M, A, Shelby and Griffin at the Stravinsky fountain:


M & A at the Stravinsky fountain:


GIrls and Daddy outside the Louvre:


M's favorite metro stop:


The Seine:


Musee de Cluny:


A and me at the Luxembourg gardens:


M and me at the Luxembourg Gardens:


Ile St. Louis:


Amy and the kids on the Bateau Mouche:


Amy and me on the Bateau Mouche:


View of Paris from the top of the ferris wheel in the Tuileries:


Looking up:


The living room in our apartment:


The four of us at the top of the Eiffel Tower. Daddy and I were not happy.


Girls walking to the Picasso Museum:


Both families at the top of the Musee Dorsay:


M running along the Seine at 9 PM!:


View of Paris from top of Eiffel Tower:



TLB says:

Beautiful – the vacation looks like a dream…girls look full of energy, not jet lagged at all! And the apartment looks great

a says:

It’s nice to have all of you back. I’m sure you had a trip to be remembered forever! The photos are so beautiful. They tell a wonderful story. M and A will have the lovely photos to remind them of the time they went to Europe with Mommy and Daddy. I hope M is feeling all better by now. Give Dan and the girls a BIG hug and kiss from me.
Lots of love,
Aunt Ann

Amy K. says:

Thanks for doing all the work to get these up. You have some incredible shots here. I love the ones from our trip together – the one from the dinner where we are all laughing really captured how fun it was! Great to see your Spain shots – I love the one of Dan walking into the surf with the girls on either side and the one of all the bunnies tucked into bed. So sorry Mad is feeling so bad. Hope she is doing better. We have had a slow recovery from the jet lag as well.
We miss you guys already, but are so so grateful to have gotten to spend the time in Paris with you.

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