Last Night of the Trip!

This is our last night in Europe. We've had a great trip, but we are also looking forward to getting home. Not looking forward to the long trip tomorrow!

Last time I posted was from Barcelona. We had a great visit with Daddy's grandmother in Cullera after we left Barcelona. We took a train to Valencia, changed trains to a local train, and then met Dan's cousin Amaia and her father in Cullera. They drove us to Tia's apartment, where we met Tia finally. It was great to put a face with the name and give her a big hug. She showed us around the apartment, and then they all went back to Valencia.

Our days in Cullera were relaxing. We got a late start most days (shocker!), and hit the beach in the afternoon. The girls loved being on the beach. The water was warm and the waves were manageable. They had a blast in the water, and M and I played some good beach ping-pong (or whatever you call it).

Our schedule was very late. The restaurants at night didn't OPEN for dinner until 9:15, so we ended up going to bed very late. And the apartment was very, very hot. (Warning to other family members who are headed to Cullera later this month and may be sensitive to heat: beware. Put the fan on you while you are sleeping – something we couldn't do because we were trying to cool three rooms with it at one time. It's very, very hot.)

We got to see Tia two more times – she and Isidro came and met us for ice cream on Wednesday, and Amaia, Jaime (her fiance), and Tia had dinner with us on the paseo (boardwalk) Thursday night.

Yesterday we took the train from Valencia to Madrid. Madrid is really a wonderful city – pretty and stylish and vibrant, yet also laidback. After we got in yesterday to our lovely, COOL hotel, we went for a walk to Plaza Mayor and out to dinner. The restaurant was recommended by the hotel (and, Lisa, is not mentioned anywhere in the NYT, as far as I can tell). The poor girls were exhausted by the time we got to the hotel – they fell asleep within about 3 minutes. I have never seen them fall asleep so quickly.

Today, we did a mix of sightseeing and shopping (another of Madrid's strengths!). I found some clothes in a store near the Corte Ingles that were steeply discounted and very cool. We also went to Corte Ingles for some presents to bring home. Finally, we found Daddy a new briefcase, which was a joint birthday present from me, Ron and Dina. He loves it!

The high point of the day was the tour of the Palacio Real – gorgeous. We'd never been there before and really enjoyed it. The adjoining garden was also fun, but the heat tempered our enjoyment a bit.

We tried to have an early dinner, but it's impossible in Madrid. The restaurant we chose (again, NOT from the NYT, but a recommendation from the briefcase store) didn't open until 8, so we killed time in a neighboring square and the girls played on a little playground.

We're finally back in the room. It's 11, the girls are finally quiet (and maybe even asleep), and we are packing up.

One thing – the girls have gotten SO much attention in Madrid. The maids in the hotel, the women at the briefcase store – people EVERYWHERE smile at them and comment on how cute they are. They always want to know if they are twins, and comment on M's missing teeth. It's nice to see them bring so much joy.

The girls have been a lot of fun to be with. There have been some skirmishes, and lots of crocodile tears (from A), and some accidents (inluding one in a store today where A started crying and screaming after she fell off a chair), and a fair amount of whining, but we really put the girls through their paces, and they were excellent travelers on the whole. We are very proud of them. And we're also ready to get home.

Tomorrow I want the girls to try to list their favorite memories from the trip.

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