Barcelona Blog Post

I am not going to have internet for a few days, so here is a quick update post.

The girls did great on the overnight train to Spain. They both slept for a good 8 hours, which was great. We were in tight quarters but they didn't seem to mind at all. When we arrived in Barcelona, we couldn't check into the hotel right away, so we headed out for the day. We walked down La Rambla a bit, had a snack, saw a Cathedral, and then headed to the Aquarium. The girls really liked it. It's a great aquarium, with a kids' section at the end.

We were all getting tired at that point, so we headed back to the hotel via La Rambla, saw some of the performers along the way, and had a sandwich at a restaurant the NYT says makes "the best sandwich in the world". (It was OK.) Finally, we checked in, took a delicious shower to get the train grime off, and took an equally delicious nap. At 5:30, we got up and got ready to go out for the night. Cabbed to Gaudi's unfinished cathedral, which the girls appreciated less than the playground across the street. Then to tapas, which were fine but not great, and a nice nighttime walk home among the Barcelona crowds. The girls went to bed at midnight! But they slept til 9, so that's good.

Today we're going to spend a few more hours in Barcelona and then train to Valencia/Cullera, where we will see Daddy's grandmother Tia and settle in to her apartment.

On the last day in Paris – we checked out the Picasso Museum (free on the first Sunday of the month!), walked back through Ile St. Louis so the girls could try imitation Berthillon ice cream (since Berthillon has the nerve to close in AUGUST! an ice cream store!). Then we walked along the Seine and bought touristy "artwork" of Paris for the girls' room. We then had to get all our stuff and head to Gare Austerlitz for our train adventure.

OK, girls are restless and doing gymnastics on the large hotel bed. Time to get moving.

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