The theme of this weekend was definitely the lost teeth. We did a lot of things – two birthday parties, a bunch of errands, swimming lessons at the gym, and a party for Daddy – and everywhere we went, M showed off her missing teeth. This includes showing them to random people in the elevator at Container Store, random women at the gym, neighbors on the street, parents at the birthday parties. I am very proud of M – she loves her gap smile.

And A was right there next to her the whole time, telling everyone that the Tooth Fairy brought her a present too, even though she didn't lose a tooth. She kept saying things like, "I like this Tooth Fairy!" and "How did the Tooth Fairy know I like ballet?" Sooo cute. At one point they went on and on about the Tooth Fairy for so long that I said, "I don't know about this Tooth Fairy. Do you think you still need a Mommy?" (Of course, inside I was thrilled that they were so happy with their haul!).

M loves her new ballerina doll and the dog jigsaw puzzle, which may be the hardest one yet. And A loves her magnetic ballerinas with outfits.

I've been joking with them all day that tomorrow, they are dropping me off at camp and that they will be going to camp. I ask them  who is going to make my lunch, and who is coverin my 10:30 and 1:00 calls. A says M will, but she will come to camp with me.

Thank you to Buppie for babysitting last night and letting us go out to dinner with our old friends.

1 comment

a says:

You certainly have a wonderful tooth fairy. M and A were so lucky to get such great gifts from her/him. It sounds like they are enjoying going to camp. It’s a great way to spend part of the summer.
Aunt Ann

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