Going, Going…

I have not adequately talked about how good A is at playing music by ear. She doesn't really read music, but she plays the melodies of songs she knows, over and over, at the piano. She changes keys and sometimes uses chords. It is very impressive! She knows how to syncopate, when to use quarter notes vs half vs whole notes, and she loves learning new songs. Her favorites right now are: "The Sound of Music," "Supercalifragilistic…", "Here Comes The Bride," "Oh Susannah", "A Spoonful of Sugar", "Do Re Mi" and "So Long, Farewell." She has some serious talent.

M has been doing some excellent drawings. Tonight she said she wanted to draw my shoes. Here are the drawings:

IMG_3762 IMG_3763

We also took some last photos of M's teeth tonight. I took a few, including one of A:

IMG_3765 IMG_3766 IMG_3767

And here is a photo M took of her teeth. I think it's finally dawning on her that they are coming out. 🙁


1 comment

Aunt Darrah says:

Uncle Jason and Aunt Darrah are thinking of Maddie and wishing her an “easy pull.” We’ll speak to you over the weekend to check in!!

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