
We got up early today for the first day of camp. Had to get stuff ready to go – lunchboxes, tote bags with bathing suits/towel/sunblock, blankets, and pillows.

Camp1 Camp2

Then we left for camp. A started getting nervous, and kept saying, "Mommy, I think I'm a little nervous." I told her that it was ok, that the first day is the hardest. I was nervous too! Here are the girls before they got in the car, and then walking into camp.

Camp3 Camp4 Camp5 Camp6 Camp7 

The girls did great. They met their teachers, learned the routine, and immediately got engaged with a project (drawing their self-portraits). I had a hard time leaving (kept going back to check on them), but they were fine. I worked from home today so that I could pick them up. So Imogene and I went over at 3 to go get them. They walked out all smiles. A said, "I don't know which part I liked best!" Apparently they didn't like nap time (or playground time (A)), but they did a lot of crafts and according to M, they had "a concert" at lunch where they saw "four movies." None of the people they know at camp are in their classroom, but they seem just fine.

Here are the self-portraits:


So it sounds like camp was a big success today.

Late today, I went to the shoe store and got M smoe new sandals because the last two pairs I have bought her hurt her feet. I also got new ballet slippers for both girls. M was so happy with the sandals that she kept talking about them, and at one point thanked me again for them, and then disappeared for a little while. She returned with her piggy bank. I told her that we didn't have time to count her money in the bank. She said, "No, Mommy, I want to give you something." Then I realized she was trying to give me money for the sandals!!!!!!!!!!!!! I gave her a huge hug but told her that her money was for her, and that Mommy pays for her sandals! Such a sweetie!!

I also beat M twice at Memory this afternoon, which is no easy feat, because she is SO good at Memory.

I am so proud of both M & A.

1 comment

a says:

How great that the girls seem to enjoy their first day at camp. Now they will look forward to each day and will enjoy it even more.
It’s a great experience for them. I know exactly how mommy felt when she dropped them off, checking on them, etc. She will feel the same on their first day of kindergarten.
Aunt Ann

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