T’was The Night Before Camp…

One of the things I do all the time, as a mom, is sing silly songs to the girls. I am always taking songs I know and changing the words to be about the girls. Today, somehow, "The Pina Colada Song" got into my head, and I started singing things like, "I've got a cutie named A_____, and she loves to play. And my cutie named M, who does puzzles all day." to the tune of the song. Then I started explaining the song to them, and what it was about, and singing the real words. They thought it was pretty entertaining, though I am not sure they really got it. M kept asking me to tell the story again about the guy who was bored with his girlfriend and started looking for someone else, until he realized that she was really the love of his life.

Today… swimming lessons (they did great!), then an errand or two, and then home for a massive cleanup session. Tomorrow is their first day of camp! Lunches are packed (minus the cold stuff), pillows and towels are laid out, bag of swimsuit/'spare clothes/sunblock is labeled and ready to go. This will be their first camp/school experience outside of TSNS. They seem excited for it. I will report back tomorrow night.

1 comment

a says:

It’s so exciting for M and A. Camping is a great experience for them. Is this a “day” camp? Or will the girls be away for several days? I’m sure they will love it, especially since they are together. Please tell them I wish them lots of fun and great times.
Aunt Ann

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