(Sort of) LiveBlogging the Sleepover

6:45 PM Lolly arrives.

6:46 PM Lolly's dad and I are trying to have a conversation, in which he will impart crucial info to me like his cell phone, but M&A are yelling so loud that I can't even hear what he's saying. That's how excited they are.

6:50 PM Lolly's dad leaves and I am home with the three girls.

6:51 PM Q: What should we do now?

6:52 PM A: Examine all of our toys and games, most of which M&A reject.

6:54 PM Settle on "the face game." A doesn't want to play so I ask her to be on my team. She decides to be on Lolly and M's team, but then changes her mind and wants to be "helper", which means she comes on my side and surreptitiously feeds clues to the girls' team.

6:55-7:10 PM Three rounds of "the face game." First game is sort of messed up because, according to M, when they asked me whether my person had blue eyes, I said yes. He did not.

7:10-7:15 PM Discussion about dreams and nightmares.

7:15 PM We're in the midst of a major thunderstorm.

7:20 PM Girls set up Candy Land. Always the lawyer, I clarify with Lolly in advance whether they play the kid way (special candy cards can only send you forward, not backward) or the adult way (special candy cards can send you forward or backward), to avoid any in-game confusion. M declares she wants to play the kid way. So they play the kid way.

7:25 PM The beneficiary of her own rule, M gets the ice cream card on the first draw, rocketing her to the end of Candy Land.

7:26 PM Candy Land is over.

7:27PM  Discussion about how "Lolly" sounds like "lollipop".

728 PM Examination of Lolly's inflatable sleeping bag/air mattress. A wants one.

[OMG, M just brought a bag of cheese puffs over to me and said "It's called Pirates' Boobies." Actual name: Pirate Booty, if you buy the name brand.]

[I just killed a HUGE ant. Enormous. Lolly said she was scared of it, but then said she had a pet taratntula at home.]

7:35ish PM Girls want snacks and are eating those fried Snap Pea Crisps from Trader Joe's. I've promised them S'mores, which will be hard to make if the downpour continues.

I am taking a break now. From the liveblog, not the sleepover.

7:49 PM M just taught Lolly the word "vajajay". Oy.

7:51 PM A and Lolly are playing on Lolly's air mattress. I think M feels a little left out.

7:52 PM I just broke the news to M that she needs to have her two front teeth taken out in two weeks by a doctor. (She had just asked me, "When do you think those teeth will come out?") I consider it a success that she then ran over to Lolly and A and said "Guess what! Good news for me!" Wow. I promised a LOT under her pillow from the Tooth Fairy.

7:55 PM "GIrls, do you want to show Lolly your room?"

7:57 PM A is still in Lolly's sleeping bag/air mattress, but M and Lolly are upstairs and I hear, in the monitor, M showing Lolly various things in the room.

8:00 PM DIscussion about who is Sleeping Beauty and who is Cinderella on M's nightgown.

8:00-8:30 PM Set up attic. Negotiate who will sleep where. Arrange sleeping bags. Close the shades on the skylights so that they don't all wake up at 7. Move monitor and nightlight upstairs. M stepped on A by accident and A cried crocodile tears and said it hurt "everywhere". Remove A from situation. Go downstairs and set up everything for S'mores. M tries to be helpful by breaking the graham crackers. Clean up mess from the graham crackers.

8:30 PM Daddy is home. Girls go upstairs to hide.

8:33 PM Everyone comes back downstairs to make S'mores.

8:34 PM I am reeady for bed. Perhaps dinner would have helped.

8:46 PM GIrls are catching fireflies and Daddy is roasting marshmallows on the grill. Ah, summer sleepover.

9:26 PM All three girls are "in bed". S'mores eaten, teeth brushed, potty gone. I have no idea when, or if, they will fall asleep. Bathroom light in attic is on with door cracked, nightlight on, and halogen lamp on lowest setting.

10:57 PM  All quiet upstairs and has been for a while.


Buppie says:

You are one brave mom!
Your mom

a says:

This is an exceptionally exciting blog. It’s so much fun for the girls to have a sleepover with a friend. M certainly seemed to take the news well about her coming teeth extractions. What exceptional daughters!
Aunt Ann

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