TIred Thursday

The girls had a busy summer day today. They had a playdate here with Molly and Eve, and they hung out in the backyard, went in the wading pool, and played in the basement. Then they went to the park until 5 PM. It was hot and sunny and summery – perfect day to play outside.

Tomorrow is a pivotal day in the girls' life – their first friend sleepover! Lolly is coming over to sleep here. I have no idea how it works – what time she will come over, what time they will go to bed, etc. I think they are all going to sleep in the attic in sleeping bags.

M is still very much into making things from beads that are ironed and fused together. Today she made a square with a big heart in it. While M was doing that, A was jumping around doing "exercise" and cracking us all up.

I still haven't uploaded the beach photos! Ron and Buppie have, though, so I will copy more photos tomorrow.

1 comment

a says:

M and A certainly keep busy all day, especially when they have a play date with other girls. Oh, if I could only borrow some of their energy. It’s wonderful to read about all the fun they have.
Aunt Ann

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