Tough Day With Dr. Dana

We got some tough news this morning from Dr. Dana. M's two front teeth have to be extracted, soon. They have had fractures since October, when she banged her mouth on A's head one night while they were playing on the bed. Luckily, for 8 months we didn't see any infection around the gumline, which is what you worry about when a tooth breaks from the root. But today, the hygienist noticed that her gum was pink, and the x-ray revealed infection at the root. That means the tooth – and the one next to it – need to be removed. The good news is that the adult teeth are close by and ready to come in, but it will probably take 6-12 months for that to happen. So she will have a big gap in her upper teeth. We are very sad because we don't want her to feel self-conscious abut the gap. She doesn't know about this yet. We have a tentative appointment for July 10.

She also has defects in two of her back teeth and needs sealants. This has happened in two of her other teeth so far. The last time she was a bit squirmy during the procedure, so Dr. Dana wants to wait until she is a little older and better able to handle the discomfort. No cavities yet – just defects.

A's two bottom teeth are also starting to get a little loose, which is right on schedule. Dr. Dana says 18 months before they come out – seems like a long ways away.

In other news… M had speech therapy today and both girls resumed ballet with Miss Eve. Buppie babysat so that Daddy and I could go to the ballet.

Here are some more of Buppie's photos from the beach. I still haven't uploaded mine…

Me doing a cartwheel on the beach…


Group shot on the beach:


Me on the deck:


Washing off after the beacH


Making s'mores:


Classic beach photo:


Tiny at the beach:


M at the beach:


Me and M:


Tiny getting buried in the snow:


Flying the kite:


1 comment

a says:

I’m sorry about M’s teeth, but the new ones will be in soon. She is beautiful with or without those front teeth. A is very beautiful too. Love those wonderful photos of all of you. I will treasure them.
Aunt Ann

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