Lazy Tuesday

I have not gotten my act together yet to upload the beach photos. But Buppie sent me five photos, which I will upload here. I will upload mine this week… sometime… I promise…

The girls had a summery carefree day today at the playground. Tonight, we went to Mike & Mary's house where they are sadly sitting shiva for Mike's mom. There were lots of kids there, so the girls had fun. And they had cookies too.

Tomorrow will be a jampacked day – 9 AM dentist appointments, 10:30 speech therapy for M, and 4 PM ballet with Miss Eve.

I would like to find a pair of sandals that the girls find comfortable. So far, neither the $55 pairs from Ramers nor the $15 pairs from Target are working out. I don't want to buy another set of sandals but I can't let them wear Crocs everywhere. Sigh.

Last night A pretended that she was a puppy who had no home and no mommy or daddy, and was adopted by us. Her name was Daniella. She was "introduced" to Allie and they got along fine. Phew!

Ok, here are the photos from Buppie:

IMG_0646 IMG_0604 IMG_0606 IMG_0634 IMG_0641

1 comment

a says:

Thank you for the lovely photos. M and A remain as beautiful as ever. My favorite is the family photo, which includes the girls, mommy, daddy and Buppie. What a wonderful family portrait. All of you seem to be having a great time.
Aunt Ann

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