Back from OBX

We are home from the beach.

It was a lovely week in NC, despite some iffy and at times chilly weather. The girls had a great time. Aunt Deb and Olivia came too, which was a great treat. Tomorrow, I will try to interview them for the blog to learn what their best memories from the week are. Here are mine:

  • Holding the girls' hands in the ocean while they squealed in delight as the waves crashed at their feet

  • Seeing the three cousins play together
  • The sound of the ocean through the bedroom window at night
  • Lots of fun meals with Grandpa Ron, Grandma Dina, Buppie, Deb, Olivia and the four of us
  • New games the girls learned: War (card game Buppie taught them), Putt-Putt (which M loves and is excellent at), the castle game
  • General frolicking in the sand
  • That the girls discovered, and love, Orange Juice Freezes
  • Their adorable bodies in bathing suits
  • Chasing Allie on the beach

We all had a very fun time and I think I speak for everyone when I say that the week really flew by. When I got back, it hardly seemed that we had been gone.

The girls are now in a two-week lull between the beach and camp. They are having some uncrowded, lazy days, which they have earned! Today they went to the playground and then played in the wading pool in the backyard. Tomorrow – no plans. Wednesday they have dentist appointments and ballet starts up again.

In other news… yesterday was Father's Day. We went to a Nats game with Daddy, Grandpa Ron and Grandma Dina, and sat in the excellent seats behind home plate. Most exciting of all, the girls got to run the bases after the game! We waited for a long time outside the stadium for the game to end (both teams, of course, rallied in the ninth inning) – almost an hour. But then we got to go in a special entrance, directly onto the field. The girls ran the bases – it was a thrill to watch them! They ran holding hands, their hair flying in the late afternoon sun. It was adorable. They also got to high-five Screech, the Nats' mascot. M said she wants to run the bases every time she goes to a game. That will be hard to do!

We also had a nice visit with Grampy, Nana and Emily for Father's Day. We brought Grampy a framed photo of his four granddaughters, which he loved. The girls made homemade cards for all the dads and grandpas, and also gave Daddy some pottery they had painted for him. A gave him a fish and M a box to keep his change in after work.

So that's the update. I am a bit out of the blogging routine but will try to get back into it. I find that if I blog every day, it's easy to blog every day, but if I take a week off, it's daunting to restart. Bear with me.

1 comment

a says:

What a wonderful weekend all of you had. Being together with the whole family is so much fun and so lovely for everyone. I’m so glad you had such a great time. M and A are a delight at this age. Please give them a HUGE hug and kiss from this old aunt.
Aunt Ann

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