Q&A with M&A

Tonight, M&A answered some questions.

What is your favorite TV show?

M: "Max and Ruby", "Olivia"

A "Max and Ruby", "Clifford", "Backyardigans", "Olivia"

What are you doing this summer?

A: Going to the beach and to Paris

M: And Spain!

What is the funniest word you know?

M: "peepee", "poopie" and "diapers"

A: "boogetyboogety boo" from Superwhy

What do you want to be when you grow up?

A: Lifeguard and ballerina. And I want to be a mermaid.

M: I just want to learn to be a ballerina. I also want to be mail carrier. (M to A: "How about a lawyer?" A: "Ugh".)

What does Mommy do at work?

A: Type on a boring computer and do boring stuff and talk. Blah blah blah.

M: Type a lot of things about us, and have a lot of meetings.

What is Allie dreaming about?

A: I don't know. What IS Allie dreaming about?

M: I don't know either.

Which is your favorite dress?

A: All the fancy dresses I have in my closet.

M: I have a lot of dresses!


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