Happy (Actual) Birthday Buppie!

Tonight, Buppie came over for dinner. It is her actual birthday today. We had a low-key dinner… blueberries for dessert. We gave Buppie a few more presents. And we wished her happy birthday again!!

Today was also really the first day of the girls' summer vacation. They spent several hours at the playground and don't seem to miss school at all. I am trying to set up some playdates with friends but haven't heard back from anyone yet – perhaps all of their friends have already taken off for parts sunny.

The girls and Daddy are reading a Chapter Book from the American Girl series, which I picked up at BEA. They seem to like it, thought they don't seem ready to give up picture books yet.

I had my car looked at today because the iPod adapter wasn't working. I was sitting in the waiting room, and I heard the guy turn on my CD player in the car. Of course, Alvin and the Chipmunks started blasting from the speakers, from the birthday CD. Talk about embarrassing. I am such a Mom.

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