Back from NY

I am on the train back from NY, where I spent last night and today. Daddy had a busy day with the girls – he took them to gymnastics, to the playground, and to dinner. Whew! Apparently it was a beautiful day!

I was in NY for a few reasons. I saw Jonathan play the drums at The Bitter End, and he was amazing. Here is one photo from my blackberry – I have others on my camera. Of course, the guitarist (great as he was!) blocked my view of Jonathan from where I was standing.


I also saw Tuvana and spent the night at her house. We had a lovely dinner in the city. Again, photos are on the camera.

And finally, I went to Book Expo America - the annual conference for the publishing industry. It was a lot of fun and a great gathering of book bloggers. There was even a book blogger panel today, which was very well-attended. I got to meet some of the bloggers I interact with online, which was really fun. But most importantly, I got to meet this character:

Olivia1 Olivia2

I am excited to see the girls and check out their soccer trophies!


a says:

It’s so good that you enjoyed your trip to New York and could see Jonathan play drums. He’s a man of many talents. I’m sure Daddy had a great time with the girls.
Aunt Ann

Aunt Darrah says:

Aww, it’s Olivia! I can’t sleep so am catching up on the blog!

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